Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The number of confirmed Korona19 cases in South Korea has exceeded 1,000, raising fears, but foreign media are paying attention to the quick and active diagnostic tests by the Korean health authorities behind them

Behind the Korean Confirmed Explosions...426 U.S., 1,846 and 46127 Korean prosecutors
Lee Hyung-min, Reporter 2020.02.26. 17:59

There are 426 in the United States, 1,846 in Japan and 46,127 in South Korea. The cumulative number of coronavirus infections (Korona 19) in the three countries was tallied so far on Wednesday.

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The number of confirmed Korona19 cases in South Korea has exceeded 1,000, raising fears, but foreign media are paying attention to the quick and active diagnostic tests by the Korean health authorities behind them He also raised concerns that the reality of Korona 19 might be overshadowed by the country's passive inspection.

The Washington Post reported that Corona19 is spreading all over the world, but the number of confirmed cases so far in the U.S. is low because the total number of tests is extremely small.
While South Korea conducted 35,000 Korona19 tests through Saturday, the U.S. conducted only 426 tests, except for its nationals brought from the Diamond Princess, a Japanese docked cruise ship. The number of confirmed coroners in the United States is 57.
The WP pointed out the reality of the U.S. where active testing is impossible, citing the case of a respiratory patient who recently visited Singapore.

The medical team suspected the Korona19 infection, given that the patient had been to Singapore where a number of confirmed Korona19 infections occurred. However, the patient was not able to carry out the corona19 test.

This is because if there is no evidence that a patient with respiratory syndrome recently visited China or had close contact with a confirmed person, the test is not subject to the U.S. guidelines for conducting the coroner's examination. Medical institutions that can conduct diagnostic tests are also limited. It is said that there are only 12 local health authorities available for the coroner's diagnosis, except for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. Even so, only CDC can make the final confirmation.

Although the CDC has strongly warned of the possibility of the spread of Korona19 to the U.S. community, some worry that the U.S. government's response to Korona19 will be further undermined as President Donald Trump is reportedly furious. President Trump reportedly has complaints that the CDC's excessive warnings shrink investors, according to the WP.

Japan is also showing a passive attitude in the coroner's 19-year-old prosecutor As the standard of inspection is strict, the test targets are limited, just like in the U.S. According to the daily Corona19 consultation and treatment standards, a cold or a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher must continue for more than four days (aged, base sick, and pregnant women two days).

In other words, Corona19 tests are being conducted only for serious patients. Critics there say the Japanese government maintains passive inspection guidelines to avoid showing the international community that the number of confirmed people is increasing ahead of a large international event called the Tokyo Olympics.

Scott Gottlieb, former director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), tweeted on Monday, "Japan tested only 1,500 people, but 146 confirmed people excluding the passengers of the Diamond Princess," and expressed concern that Japan could be a huge stronghold."

"The Korona19 report by the Korean health authorities is very detailed," he said. "They conducted tests on nearly 20,000 people, and it shows a significant level of diagnostic capability." Stephen Borawk, a Seoul correspondent for the U.S. weekly magazine Time, said on the same day that Korea's rapid increase in the number of confirmed Korona19 cases was due to transparency and openness in Korean society.
Lee Hyung-min, a reporter at

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