Friday, December 28, 2012

How - and why - to stop thinking

How - and why - to stop thinking

Bruce Kasanoff

helps companies act smarter
co-author of Smart Customers, Stupid Companies

Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is to stop thinking. Your conscious brain does not have all the answers. Inventors, programmers, scientists, architects and many others know this.

I have a friend in Los Angeles, Jim George, who understands this in a big way. He has an unusual combination of skills: he's a talented animator (Disney, etc.) who nearly a decade ago shifted gears to work one on one with people who wanted more clarity and focus in their lives. Jim has a diverse clientele - movie execs to scientists to students - and some remarkable success stories.

At night, Jim still draws. He recently pulled the two parts of his day together and created a self-help book called Time to Make It Stop: The How of Now.

The book is a tour de force of creativity, which is why I'm telling you about it.

While many of us are increasingly obsessed with the changes technology makes possible, Jim demonstrates here the changes you can make possible by not thinking. Personally, most of my best ideas come to me when I "do nothing."

The challenge, of course, is that it can be extremely difficult to stop thinking. Certain thoughts go round and round in our heads. What if my proposal gets rejected? Is my job at risk? Am I going to get the raise I deserve? Is someone else going to get the raise I deserve?

You might not believe that a book could be an effective tool to help you stop thinking; that was my fear when I first caught wind of this project. I was wrong. Jim transcends any preconceptions you have about a "book."

In many respects, this is more of a video than it is a book, even though nothing actually moves. The pages flow into each other, the artworks and words meld together, and the results are magical.

For example, on some pages, a sentence dissolves into a curving line, that wanders onto the next page, and then another, and eventually becomes an image. Jim explains that, "The gentle guiding of the eye and the mind to read and follow words as they gradually move off the page and into nothingness sets the stage for something to happen beyond the book itself."

This seems like a simple little book, but there's a reason behind every twist and turn.

Jim told me, "I use brief, almost truncated and free-form copy with light cartoons to suggest a break from traditional text and a departure into new territory. This provide a clue that the book won’t be difficult or intellectual but, rather, simple and fun. It creates an immediate sense of relaxation, of open and receptive attention. The form takes the content under the radar of patterned education and into the world of play."

In other words, he's building an ideal learning environment for young and old.

Whether or not you choose to benefit personally from Jim's work, there is much to learn from the manner in which he uses so many different communication approaches.

You could apply a similar approach to any important information you wish to communicate. I don't mean that you magically become a Disney artist, but rather that you use more than one technique to communicate important messages.

Here's a sample of a typical spread:


Bruce Kasanoff is co-author of Smart Customers, Stupid Companies. As Managing Director of Sense of the Future, he helps companies create measurable economic value through customer experience strategies.

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Baher Al Zaher Good one .. for over thinkers . 9일

Stephen Kettlestrings 1st: I like how he has made it easy to think about some of my own experiences. The beauty of this style of book is that you can drift off and not loose track of where you are at in the book. 2nd: I recently saw a PBS broadcast that talked about Einsteins brain. They stated that when he had trouble thinking about a project/problem, he played his cello. I suppose this was also doing the same thing. 14일

Naeem Tariq Becky G, i am agreed with your statement!!! 16일

Becky Grando The concept of incorporating mindfulness by "being present" in what we are doing is a skill set that I think more people should employ. In a technology driven world where information is at our fingertips and our lives seem to run via "algorithms", we, as individuals, sometimes lose our ability to "hear" our subconscious. I will definitely purchase this book! Great article! 16일

working now, thanks Ei Take a break and come back to it. In IT work it's essential. 17일

Adil Khalil Seems really interesting, great share. 17일

Chandni Singla great thought!! 17일

Jawad Sarwar Interesting article 17일

Dr. Rae Baum Bravo!!! Temporarily works for me... ~Dr. Rae 17일

Kathryn Bingham Added the book to my Amazon wish list! 17일

Fahmina Arshad A really good thought !!!! I like it 17일

Jennifer Surdyke-Huelsing Go out to coffee with a friend or see a movie. Anything that actually takes you away from your routine and requires engagement in a casual sense, makes room for the creative solution that is already in mind to rise to the surface. 17일

Ethan Vaz The greater challenge is in switching off your thoughts. Any good quick tips for this? 17일

Ethan Vaz True that. Our Sub conscious mind has an uncanny ability to provide great ideas which will in most cases be blocked when thinking about other matters. History is proof that that "Eureka" moment can come while doing nothing but closing your mind and relaxing in a tub! Nice share.. 17일

Phuong Callaway, PhD Your best ideas will come when your mind is fresh. Walk away from something temporarily when you cannot find an answer. This technique does help! 17일

Umme Shazia Hussenbux It is clearly a challenge to stop thinking. I'm intrigued by this book. However, I couldn't find it on the website I usually order from. Shame. 17일

Georgina Thomas Personally, most of my best ideas come to me when I "do nothing." true 17일

Nishant Tiwari Energy comes from concentration & stop thinking brings concentration, concentration is base of innovation..... 17일

Sam Firth The Power of Now is another goof book to read if you are interested in this. 17일

King Davies Building Corp Good findings! This is something we experience everyday, but many are not conscious of this. Keep it on, Bruce Kasanoff. 18일

David Eadie Bruce, this is nothing new. Childrens Stories have always been illustrated. 18일

Damian Mark Smyth And then, if you want to know the 'science' behind thought (and why it's best to really do nothing with our thinking in troubled times), get my book called 'Do Nothing!'. Available on Amazon! 18일

Ritesh Arora PMP It is realy a task to stop thinking and keep our mind focussed and unwaived.Hats Off! 18일

Muhammad Butt Good one .. for over thinkers . we all thinks sometimes too much. well done Bruce Kasanoff. 18일

Terri Croop For so many Zen advocates, you sure are all very wordy and 'knowing'--which rather misses the point. /2 cents 18일

VACHAN SHARMA Osho on how to Stop Thinking Question: I have been Thinking all day of a way to ask the Question: How to stop thinking? Osho: THINKING cannot be stopped. Not that it does not stop, but it cannot be stopped. It stops of its own accord. This distinction has to be understood, otherwise you can go mad chasing your mind. No-mind does not arise by stopping thinking. When the thinking is no more, no-mind is. The very effort to stop will create more anxiety, it will create conflict, it will make you split. You will be in a constant turmoil within. This is not going to help. And even if you succeed in stopping it forcibly for a few moments, it is not an achievement at all -- because those few moments will be almost dead, they will not be alive. You may feel a sort of stillness, but not silence, because a forced stillness is not silence. Underneath it, deep in the unconscious, the repressed mind goes on working. So, there is no way to stop the mind. But the mind stops -- that is certain. It stops of its own accord. So what to do? -- your question is relevant. Watch -- don't try to stop. There is no need to do any action against the mind. In the first place, who will do it? It will be mind fighting mind itself. You will divide your mind into two; one that is trying to boss over -- the top-dog -- trying to kill the other part of itself, which is absurd. It is a foolish game. It can drive you crazy. Don't try to stop the mind or the thinking -- just watch it, allow it. Allow it total freedom. Let it run as fast as it wants. You don't try in any way to control it. You just be a witness. It is beautiful! Mind is one of the most beautiful mechanisms. Science has not yet been able to create anything parallel to mind. Mind still remains the masterpiece -- so complicated, so tremendously powerful, with so many potentialities. Watch it! Enjoy it! And don't watch like an enemy, because if you look at the mind like an enemy, you cannot watch. You are already prejudiced; you are already against. You have already decided that something is wrong with the mind -- you have already concluded. And whenever you look at somebody as an enemy you never look deep, you never look into the eyes. You avoid! Watching the mind means: look at it with deep love, with deep respect, reverence -- it is God's gift to you! Nothing is wrong in mind itself. Nothing is wrong in thinking itself. It is a beautiful process as other processes are. Clouds moving in the sky are beautiful -- why not thoughts moving into the inner sky? Flowers coming to the trees are beautiful -- why not thoughts flowering into your being. The river running to the ocean is beautiful -- why not this stream of thoughts running somewhere to an unknown destiny? is it not beautiful? Look with deep reverence. Don't be a fighter -- be a lover. Watch! -- the subtle nuances of the mind; the sudden turns, the beautiful turns; the sudden jumps and leaps; the games that mind goes on playing; the dreams that it weaves -- the imagination, the memory; the thousand and one projections that it creates. Watch! Standing there, aloof, distant, not involved, by and by you will start feeling... The deeper your watchfulness becomes, the deeper your awareness becomes, and gaps start arising, intervals. One thought goes and another has not come, and there is a gap. One cloud has passed, another is coming and there is a gap. In those gaps, for the first time you will have glimpses of no-mind, you will have the taste of no-mind. Call it taste of Zen, or Tao, or Yoga. In those small intervals, suddenly the sky is clear and the sun is shining. Suddenly the world is full of mystery because all barriers are dropped. The screen on your eyes is no more there. You see clearly, you see penetratingly. The whole existence becomes transparent. In the beginning, these will be just rare moments, few and far in between. But they will give you glimpses of what samadhi is. Small pools of silence -- they will come and they will disappear. But now you know that you are on the right track -- you start watching again. When a thought passes, you watch it; when an interval passes, you watch it. Clouds are also beautiful; sunshine also is beautiful. Now you are not a chooser. Now you don't have a fixed mind: you don't say, "I would like only the intervals." That is stupid -- because once you become attached to wanting only the intervals, you have decided again against thinking. And then those intervals will disappear. They happen only when you are very distant, aloof. They happen, they cannot be brought. They happen, you cannot force them to happen. They are spontaneous happenings. Go on watching. Let thoughts come and go -- wherever they want to go. Nothing is wrong! Don't try to manipulate and don't try to direct. 18일

Ashokkumar Varia By Deep Breathing we achieve the state of mind ,Egolessness, Thoughtlessness, & Timelessness which is called Meditation. 18일

SONAL PATEL m extremely thinking before doing anything...#article sounds good aco. to my point of view..Good Job..done.. :-) 18일

Jo Ann Poole This is something to seriously consider reading... am very curious about it and plan to get the book...sometimes simplicity is the best... 18일

Ganeshkumar Sadasivam Switching off our mind when not required is a greatest gift. 18일

Asha (Amanda) Thorilkonda Reddy Amazing article I truly agree, the smartest thing to do sometimes is just stop thinking!! 18일

Marko Leus Way to go! ... I think. 18일

Tom Furmanczyk bringing the mind to quiet is a discipline that John Main explained many years ago. It involves saying a mantra internally for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day. The explanantion of why it works is logical ... important with any new discipline is regular and consistent practice 18일

Thomas Lessing PEng Just looking at the posts - its pretty clear that different people are at different levels of understanding the need to quiet the mind to get inspiration, clarity, etc. What is great is that there is an awareness among the crowd that this is a critical process and that they are moving in that direction. 18일

Robyn Shulman, M.Ed. Thank you so much for sharing this book and writing this article. I am always thinking about the next article I am going to write, the next adventure that I will go on, and reading, reading, reading..but I have forgotten to take mini brain vacations and this weekend I took one..and I feel so much better. 18일

Gordana Vukotich Past experience says yes. Even outside of our professional lives..Last ski trip,,.The fear of skiing Cornice was such that whenI stood at the top over thinking where I would turn left, then right to make it down, I fell before I even got started. After a couple of hours, the conditions had worsened, I went up again, the wind was blowing and I almost turned back. Closed my eyes for a minute, told self go you can do this and justtook off.( I opened my eyes as I took off)..I overcame the fear, I knew I had to make it down, the ssills were there, I didn't fall. I even looked good coming down...It's amazing what each of us is capable of doing.. 18일

Muhammad Sheikh well it can be concluded with the wise words of Hazrat Ali, that the mental illness comes with thoughts never with the circumstances..... 18일

Rajesh Premani In Asia including India, China, Japan, this is called Meditation or "the language of the Gods." For further details on how it could certainly benefit professionally and personally, please refer to, a non-profit organisation based in India, with centres across the world, and a few hundred thousand practitioners or "abhyasis" .. This technique of silencing the mind or temporarily "switching off", has been mastered over the ages by renowned sages. Mastery of this technique leads to regulation of the mind, the senses, and this when regularly practised provides immense benefit in the form of enhanced creativity, better focus, productivity, power, the power to persevere. Since long, these mind-control/mind-regulation techniques have been in vogue, and practised in various forms, and leading CEOs and head honchos of various MNC conglomerates , business people, scientists, spiritual practitioners, even artists, management gurus, would vehemently agree of this view. Maybe, the West is slowly, but steadily waking up to knowing the long-term benefits of "temporary silencing" of the mind. 18일

Luuk de Groot To get in this state of mind, use the instruments: triggerwords, visualization, breathing, movement & heartbeat,recovery, rituals, eye control, sound and inner music. 18일

Luuk de Groot The book 'Mindset' by Jackie Reardon & Hans Dekkers explains this matter. It's not that you are not thinking, but you just focus more on other concentration, like Feeling, Scan & Zoom. The book tells about 2 different types of thinking. Action thinking and Story thinking. 18일

Venkat Ram Reddy Bobbili The book,,,Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is all about reducing useless thinking and opening up the creativity in you.. 18일

Askar Emir Great ideas usually appear when we are stop thinking or doing another unrelated thing. 18일

Salih Taşyon I love it... 18일

Joanna Lacey I enjoyed reading this as although this is about letting one's mind wonder, it is through letting the mind wonder that the stage is set for becoming more mindful, mindful of things that we are normally too busy to pay attention to. 18일

Titan WU Stop thinking (troubles/experience); then stop to think priority 18일

Ahmed alsaqqaf l believe to stop thinking ..... 18일

Michael Dvorscak This post really resonates with me. Each afternoon during my lunch I put on headphones and walk around the building where I work. I simply allow my mind to drift wherever it may. If it drifts to work that is okay, or to a ideas I have for science fiction novels, that is okay, it might even be plans for the weekend or even try to tackle some of the "big" questions. I let it simply wander. When I stop thinking, I start thinking. 18일

mohammod morshed hossain excellent 19일

Sadao Saito Sounds like "ZEN" ? 19일

Shirish Dolas Excellent post! It is not just about power of now, but being mindfulness about once body...It’s about experiencing life in your body with out any thoughts and judgement. 19일

David Duncan Hello Bruce, After reading your post here about your friend, Jim George, I recalled a archery lesson from years past from an old friend and expert hunter. My first time at the shooting range with him, he said, "Shoot just these three arrows. When you can group them in a circle the size of your fist. We're done for the day." Already being an novice archer, I was proud that it only took me two hours at the range to accomplish this feat. After that glorious day of achieving my goal with the arrows, my friend told me quit spending money on more archery equipment for that year and that I never needed to shoot more than three arrows at the range, anymore would just be overthinking and I would start to make mistakes. I was taken back a little by his response, thinking that more time at each session at the range would just make me a better archer. One of his last pieces of advice was, " Take along the other two arrows in case you lose one, but you are going to be lucky to get one clean shot. So, make sure you can make all three arrows count. If you have to think about which one to grab, your chance at that shot of a lifetime can be gone." Since then, everytime I catch myself overthinking a situation, I think about my old friend's advice, stop thinking, and pull another resource out of my "quiver" and move forward. 19일

Shekar L I completely agree on the power of NOW! Spirituality, especially Buddhism is all about creating everything from nothingness or emptiness!! Look fwd to read this book. 19일

Ron Seman ✔ As an EXTREME Jesus Freak Christian, I stopped thinking long ago. I let the Holy Spirit take over and BAM my life changed and have been living in JOY even though I trudge through potential sorrow. 19일

Lars Christensen Hi Bruce, In the last 10 years in Denmark, it has almost been a must to have a poster hanging in the boardrooms, entitled "we know what the customer wants before the customer even at the" Maybe you should make a poster entitled "stop chasing thoughts that you can get almost free from your customers instead of " 19일

Emilia Rutigliano, M.D. Conceptually compatible to material presented in "Blink: the power of thinking without thinking". Yes, often we do have to get out of our own way, and let the brain do its job (pre-fed with healthy food, good dose of prayers to God for guidance). 19일

Pradeep Kumar Cheruvathoor I run Silenz Global, Experiential Silence Workshops 2Hours that helps transcend thinking. I do this for Corporates and the Student Community around the world. Silence is the Journey from the Head to the Heart 19일

Isaac Tolpin Love the dialogue, one of the hardest things to do is get to our best thinking. It's like a muscle, the more you get to clear thinking the better you think. Putting thinking time in the schedule can be useful for achievers. To do nothing as you say and stay open minded yet focused long enough to get to our best thinking. Slowing down without distraction and forcing this kind of thinking can lead to breakthrough's! 19일

Edgar Adams The author is simply advocating not to over think a problem or dilemma. I have found that over thinking an issue leads inevitably to confusion and self-doubt. 19일

Michael J. Dorazio M.A. interesting... 19일

Bruce Kasanoff I'd like to thank everyone who has so far taken the time to share their thoughts about the benefits of focusing on "now" instead of what (may) come next. And just to be 100% clear, I certainly am doing my best to call attention to Jim's remarkable book, in the same spirit that every share on LinkedIn seeks to call attention to something the writer feels is of value to others. 19일

Gabi Marácz Listen to the silence! Gorgeous experience! Try it! 19일

Jo Hepworth Sounds remarkably like the power of prayer to me! 19일

Nicola Farrell I love the moments when the chatterbox in my mind (thinking) is quieted. It's when the true inspiration comes. 19일

Bill Ashlock Music to go with the great thoughts... 19일

Yuri Lysoivanov This is the kind of article you'd expect to be written when a person stops thinking 19일

Mehul Doshi it is easier said then done...The power of NOW! 19일

Tom Wharton Genius is to often defined today as high intellect, when the word has its origin in Latin: tutelary deity, or God teacher. Genius does not originate in the intellect, it is the outcome of a quieted mind. Another term i consider synonymous with genius is "seeing the light". Genius enters our conscious when we get our mind and emotions out of the way. When and if the "Genius Event" occurs, we then can apply intellect, our thinking capacity, to define how that “Genius Idea” can be applied and molded to enhance our current existence as humans. Don't wonder in thought, wonder in silence. 19일

Manny Nunez Waking up early with the thought "there's so much I have to do" simply weigs you down for the entire day. I wake up when my body feels rested enough, have a freshly made cup of strong Colombian coffee...sit on the porch and watch the birds and then I have my day so clear that things just flow without the pressures of "pre-occupation"/ It works for me. 19일

Syed Shahzad Qasim Lot of books has been written for changing negative thinking pattern. Our brain has different pathways of neurons, you can say electrical circuits. Initially it was thought that only medicine, surgery or gene therapy can change the circuits but recently cognitive science has introduced a term Neuroplasticity. It proves that our brain is like plastic and could be molded as per our intentions and due efforts. We can change our circuits by correcting and behaving in a different way intentionally and can build new circuits. In the result, cognitive therapy come into being and very successful in many mental disorder including depression and anxiety. 19일

Syed Shahzad Qasim Good try and nice result but better to say it stop worrying rather stops thinking. Thinking or contemplation give you a perspective for the things you are thinking upon but being worried or having unstoppable negative intrusive thoughts or may call ruminating needs distractions. Author wants to direct towards distraction tactics. 19일

Chiquita Bates I need to incorporate this into my daily life. Sometimes it seems that I think to much too. I am learning that being still and allow life to take its course and we all know that we worry to much.... 19일

Ricardo Moncada Energy management is key to sustainable high performance. If you are able to consciously disconect and rest your mind a couple of times a day, you will replenishment more energy than if you take a nap. Transcendental Meditation is one way to replenish energy and stay focused. 19일

Hilde B. I think it's good for him to switch off the brain, difficult but necessary..... 19일

Jamie Fitzgerald I like this concept, I tend to think too much. Sometimes putting more effort into something than really is needed, and in turn creating stress where there is none. Think I may put this book on my Christmas list... 19일

J. Trevett Allen As a teacher of high school art history, the thing I love about this is how both "right-brain" thinking and multiple intelligences are treated as real ways of doing serious mental work and communicating. The example above seems to be about creative flow. I want to try to up the ante here. There is a great book by David Galenson which was my introduction to formal words that clarified what I had always felt but couldn't articulate about creative styles. Malcolm Gladwell has since taken this mainstream and many others. The thing is, we all want to be Picasso, planning each and every move. Cezanne felt his way through things. The funny thing from the art history point of view is that many feel that Cezanne laid the groundwork that made Picasso's work possible. So, my point is that we all need multiple strategies because each problem or message has its own needs. Letting go and "not thinking" in my experience is actually letting go of our death grip on conceptual innovation and allowing ourselves to do experimental innovation. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi refers to this as a "Flow state." What we are talking about here is the challenge so many TED talks reference, learning to buck the shackles of our educations and use the rest of our brain because not all problems and projects respond to the sanctioned thinking styles. 19일

Marie Gervais, PhD., CTDP I'm sold and off to get my copy 19일

Pamela Haley Thompson Now. What a novel concept. PUT DOWN THE MOBILE DEVICE! 19일

Michael Leppich The Power Of Now 19일

Matthew Weleski Intriguing. I will be borrowing a copy from the library. Thanks. 19일

Faisal Siddiqui Agreed. Even your brain needs a time off to rejuvenate itself and remain focused. 19일

Forrester Dobson I Use 20 Mins meditation around lunch time each day, just to turn off the noise, cancelling all work related thought, this sounds counter productive, but trust me, it helps provide focus, focus on the important issue's which got lost in the jungle noise, force fed to me every day from every angle.. 19일

JANE PITTADAKI My humble opinion is that we should keep our mind busy if we wish to keep it ' alive' 19일

Art Busch What a great idea! You can only go so hard for so long. Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all", meaning that when we're tired we are less able, and willing, to take on critical tasks. On the football field or battlefield, you dig deeper to find the mettle to keep going because you have to-their are no other options-other than to let down your team. In business, fatigue leads to poor decisions and flawed execution. Taking time to "recharge" seems to be an investment rather than a waste. The products of a refreshed mind are superior to that of one that's cluttered, tired and/or overwhelmed. 19일

Sybil Schwartzbach great article. There is only Now..... another book with a similar viewpoint;"the untethered soul",by Michael A.Singer. 19일

Sybil Schwartzbach This sounds like a great book to read.All there is Now. Another book with a similar viewpoint is;The Untethered Soul by Michael A.Singer. 19일

Peter LoGiudice I studied Zen Buddism in college thanks - Allen Watts Be here now! 19일

Dharmendra Kumar It looks like a promotional article but the indications are enticing. training the brain is not the easiest thing to do. Thanks for the spark! 19일

Kurt Seucharan-Fuentes At first I was going to dismiss this as new wave mumbo-jumbo but when I read your article it makes sense! A lot of times we let our fears get in the way of productive work. 19일

Deepak Rohilla we should analyze our thoughts, plan accordingly, it works, sure it change in our daily routine, bi leaving day routine,.............cont 19일

Patrick L. Gallagher True! True! ;-) Bottom Line: DONT LET FEAR OVERCOME YOUR GOALS and Success in Life!!!!! 19일

Vatsala Kothari this works wonders.. specially when you think of an idea and after initial brainstorming just let it be in your mind and not think about it grows leaps & bounds 19일

JOEL ZUR Mental-Shape CEO Think only when you must... Your brain is an organ you must control. It takes a lot of discipline and you need to be consistent. NOW IS HOW!!! 19일

BENEDETTO DE FRANCESCO INSIGHT: If you don't know what is it and how it works you hardly will recognize it when you get one. Actually, business intuition (as well as in any other life situation) becomes a constant state of mind when you have trained your self-conscience. Intuition gives you strategic information. Your technical competence is the tool to realize it and transform information in solution paths. And you have to train both. 20일

Frances Maika, MA, ABC This is an advertorial. sigh. 20일

gem ma buquiran ...when you learn to heart-feel in listening and observing... 20일

narendra Babu Pureti Think,deviate,and violate with in the range,But do not forget and loss control over reality ,st. path.The more we deviate the more energy and time we need to regain the reality. 20일

Nasrullah.Naim Rullah Promotional information .. Business Communications and Transport Earning 2013 .... Mahardika Wicaksana (MW) in 2013 is Work Shop The Moving Company of the State in the field of Remodeling and Construction Especially on the path of development and manufacture of canal dock and boat-South Sulawesi Sea area. Hopefully, President Director of MWH GLOBAL Presumably PANAMA be Interested in Becoming Investor and President to immediately help us open up and develop Science and Technologi in the marine shipbuilding location Regards I Nasrullah Naim President MW 2013 20일

Bill Oterson And up pops 'the devils advocate'. Perhaps the most significant word of this 'advertisement', and that's basically what it is, is the first printed word, "sometimes". What a great opening for a spiel, as it applies universally. Forgive me, though, as I'm not debunking, only clarifying. Eveyone has wanted, wished for, desired, for some thing at times (sometimes), even I. The story about Jim George is interesting and his purported success is an enticing worm upon the hook. The hook being, of course, the book which is available at Amazon for $14.99. (I'm now an advert. :)) My dad often said, about authors of 'how to succeed' books, "they were the ones who got rich", not the purchasers of the books. Of course, he may have been mistaken. But let's consider the premise: "not thinking". I would suggest of the billions of inhabitants of Earth there are but a scant few who have been able to 'not think'. Try it sometime. You'll become aware of the extraordinary amount of things that come to mind while you're engaged in not trying to think of them. Of course, if not thinking about a specific thing would be the purpose then why invest in a book when all you need do is become interested, for the moment, about something else. Or, like so many successful people have done, just sleep on it. Back to the book, it's gotten four (4) rave reviews, three of which come from people who've never reviewed another book and one from a rather lowly ranked reviewer; seems suspicious. Personally, I've had a few somewhat successful endevors, and when asked by a son, my youngest, how I chose what to do, I answered truthfully that I would tell others about my 'scheme' and if they were against it then I knew it's what I wanted to do. Perhaps I should sell a book, but then I'd have to write one :) 20일

Lewis Chong The body and brain are the "product" of the universe. Being present is extremely powerful to enable oneself to tap into something "bigger", "happier" and "extremely creative". Looking forward to read the book. 20일

David Woods After many many years of only listening to my intellectual mind, I have finally realised that I can create a very powerful and creative space by choosing not to think. 20일

Susan White Thanks for sharing such a great tool... 20일

Tim Williams Same idea as when you're talking to someone, trying to recall a name, but cant. As soon as they walk away and you stop thinkin about it.....BAM! the name pops up.... 20일

Academic Zodiac No death = no thinking = no business = no diabolos = no binary parties = no USA = no demoncracy = no binary mind = no default ego = no article. Advaita Vedanta. Much as Tesla, I am from Totapuri lineage. 20일

Dave Hampton Very cool. Reminds me of film director David Lynch's reasons for meditating - basically, to unlock the conscious mind from daily routine, reach into a deep well of creativity, and bring the fruits of it back. Add Jim's book to an arsenal of information on how the arts should stay a critical part of our education - and long-term, fulfilling lives. 20일

Fred Mitri, MCE, P.E., PMP “ I’m too busy. I have no time to worry.” Occupational therapy i.e. the “keep them busy” therapy is when activity is prescribed as medicine. Activity is soothing to the nerves. To break the worry habit, here’s Rule no. 1: Keep busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he withers in despair. according to the amazing book "how to stop worrying and start living" by Dale Carnegie 20일

John Stout Great project! Switching gears when you are stuck is the key to the lock that you can't quite pick. 20일

Mark Miller Where I have become happily lost in an activity - Disneyland, sailing, flying a plane, USFirst Robotics, cooking, eating, audio books, tv, programming, learning a new code... 20일

Travis Winn Sounds excellent. Any tool that can help people become more "present" is just what the world needs. 20일

Cathy Burge Mindfullness and Awareness. Thank you for sharing this, Bruce. 20일

Edith Lillie Great project! I see the mind as being an extension of the "Heart"; therefore, filling the heart with faith will allow an individual to control fearful thinking or over thinking. I look forward to the completed project.

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